

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The day when we granted the status to each other, boyfriend and girlfriend -26.10.2007

Sep 2007

It was just another lunch date with Ablkers at deck. A new face showed up, who was actually an A blk senior and did not have a room for that semester. The first impression of him wasnt good because he kept ranting and ranting non-stop, like a machine gun or something. Everyone had finished their meals, except him and despite that, he was still happily eating his $6 bowl of laksa yong tau hu and talking at the same time. It was the first time I met him.

Few days later, we met again at the handball court for IBG. He came down to support us. That was when we got to really talk to each other. I found him quite a nice and chatty guy, and I guess he was one of the tallest guy in A blk already, (the rest were usually <173cm). For the subsequent nights, we chatted till 4am before I turned to bed and as for him, he was a temporarily security guard stationed in the lounge.

First date: 
The fatal sms: Can I ask you out for a date? Maybe movies and dinner or something? -Aaron
The first picture taken together on the way back =)

OMG! During that naive age of mine, I didnt really know what was supposed to mean by "going for date". I checked up the dictionary and it said "an appointment for a particular time, esp with a person is a potential boyfriend/girlfriend" that's it. I am-chio and melted into nuai ice cream.

The date turned up to be perfect, it was a secret date as the whole blk did not really know about it. Well, that was what I assumed. Upon returning back to hall, Shi Leng dashed to my room and asked me to get out and not return coz the whole blk knew about me and Aaron's "affair" and they were coming for the details. Too bad, too late, seconds after, Zhi Jian led an army and surrounded themselves outside my door and demand an interrogation. Kwaa kwaaaa...

We were officially together! Aaron tried to pop the question at Chinese Garden pagoda after all the strolling and stuffs since it was Mid-Autumn Festival. (so 老土right), BUT..... it was raining cats and dogs and we couldnt even bike there. Ahh...but still.... I agreed in the end. <3

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